Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Why David Bowie's Death Didn't Make Me Sad

I'm 19 years old. It's The Summer of '75.
I'm riding shotgun in "The Blue Deuce" -a '68 (?) Oldsmobile 225. Navy blue. White pebble-grained vinyl roof. Hood so long, you could play a set of tennis on it.

The pilot: My ace-boon cruising mate, 'Boogamain.'

Me and Boog went everywhere together. Inseparable. We had our own unique style as runnin' mates. Our own language. A 'simpatico' that often precluded the use of words at all. We could communicate entire paragraphs to each other with just a fleeting facial expression.

We're waiting for the traffic light at Market & Metcalf to change. First in line at the stop light. Middle of the day. 4 or 5 cars lined up behind us. This tune comes on:
"Boomf/dodaaadot, dodaaadot, dodaaadot- doodadooKAAAAIN... (X4)
{David Bowie's voice]: "Faaaame- makes a man take things over...."
...and I lost it.

Keeping my (outer) cool, I looked at Boog. Then I looked at the radio. Then I looked back at Boog ( with popped-open eyes), and said: "Daaaaaamn!"
As I was staring directly at him, I grabbed the door latch- and opened the passenger door. Boog instinctively understood... he reached over, turned the radio up to 11... and popped the pilot's door loose.
3 seconds later, Boogamain and 'B2' were dancing on the streets of Lima, Ohio... to David Bowie's 'Fame.'

Such is the power of Music.

Horns be honkin'
Folks be cussin' us OUT.
We didn't care. On that hot Summer day in 1975, David Bowie's jam stopped traffic in a Midwestern American town. For two full cycles.

Civic order: short-circuited.
When music interrupts life... it becomes Art.

Throughout that entire Summer, whenever Boogamain and I were together on the road (...and we were 'Road Doggs' a LOT that year...), we'd stop whatever we were doing... and dance to David Bowie. Dude even shut down a powerboat while I was water-skiing. When I heard the Panasonic hand-held Big Box blasting back from the boat... I started dancing- in the water ('s hard to 'bust stylish moves' with a big orange life preserver strapped to your torso...).

Such is the power of music.

For 40 years, I've paid homage to that moment in Life when Boog & Me helped Bowie stop traffic in a small midwestern industrial town. Every single time that tune comes on the radio, I 'stop, drop.... and roll,' yo. I was even late for a wedding gig in Ann Arbor because I pulled over on Highway 23 near Dundee, MI... and paid tribute to Bowie.

Such is the power of music.

This morning at 7:15 AM, Ella Bitchgerald woke me up to take her outside for her morning ritual. When we were done, I logged onto the internet- and learned that David Bowie had died.
Without a second thought, I YouTube'd 'Fame,' pushed it to my whole-house sound system...

...and this morning- even before my first cup of coffee- a 59 year-old man danced like he was 19 again.

Such is the power of music.

I'm too busy reveling in all that he shared with us to mourn what we can no longer have. We have 50 years of gifts from David. Now is the time for us to start truly cherishing them- and the memories they evoke in all of us.

Rest well, Maj. Tom.
'Ground Control' has your 'six.'

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