Monday, June 1, 2009

Well... I'm here. Now what?

Hi, Cyberists. Welcome to Zilla's World.

After much deliberation and some gentle prodding from a couple of fairly persistent Good Eggs I know, I've finally chosen to start a blog... yes- that modern-day electronic tip'o'the hat to all things narcissistic. I'm not so vain as to believe that this online journal will open eyes, the skies, or make me seem wise. It exists primarily for me to take in what the world bounces my way, and bounce it back to you all... with my own personal 'spin', of course. Feel free to hit me back with your impressions... I'm a fairly open vessel for some back&forth.


I'm a student of day-to-day life, mainly because it:

1. requires no tuition fee, syllabus, or room & board.
2. is not graded. (by anyone other than me, My Special One and perhaps The Big Guy)
3. can be studied for, but the tests are always 'pop quizzes.' Crib notes, however cleverly constructed and artfully concealed, simply don't work. It's always "seat of the pants" time... 24/7, 365.
4. allows every student to be every other student's teacher... and today's lesson might come from the very back of the class
5. can only be taken pass/fail... with the eventual grade to be determined ONLY after one passes from this classroom.

Therefore, my studies carry with them a particular sense of import... for Time is always of the essence, and none may know the hour that will be his last. I hope to post here a "compendium of immediacy"... a distillation of the daily events and thoughts that make me want to share with you all.

My offerings here will come from a variety of sources: my job (musician), my hobbies (you'll find out by reading), my friends (who'll no doubt disavow all knowledge of me), my favorite message boards/websites/news&sports outlets, and the events and people that effect my life. In short- a little of everything. What you'll get will depend upon what Life deals me on any particular day. Here's hoping you'll get something of value from spending a little of your time here.

Are you with me?

I guess we'll find out...

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